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Root Canal Dentistry in Seattle, WA

Seattle Dental Associates Provides Safe, Effective Root Canals

Patients in and around downtown Seattle, WA have trusted Seattle Dental Associates with their dental and oral health needs for more than a decade. Led by Dr. Theron Baker, our team of experts provides an array of dentistry services. Our facility, located just a few blocks away from Amazon, features state-of-the-art technology and a friendly team of professionals committed to your oral health.

In addition to providing unrivaled dental care, we have cultivated a relaxing atmosphere complete with blankets and pillows to make your visit as pleasant as possible. We recognize that root canals are not the most desirable of procedures, but we will do everything we can to ensure your comfort throughout the process and guarantee exceptional results.

family smiling

Recognizing Signs You May Need a Root Canal

There are several indications that you may need a root canal, with pain being one of the most prominent. Regular visits to Seattle Dental Associates for general dentistry services can help catch infections early, but call us for assistance if you notice severe toothaches upon chewing or the application of pressure.

Other signs may include:

  • Prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold
  • Discoloration of a tooth
  • Swelling in nearby gums
  • Persistent or recurring pimple on adjacent gums

For the lucky few, there are no apparent symptoms or the symptoms have subsided over time. But that does not mean an infection is no longer present. A root canal helps prevent the spread of infection, so it is still necessary even without painful symptoms. Our team will use advanced radiographic technology to identify the need for a root canal and advise you accordingly.

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Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

Root canal procedures have progressed significantly since the days of yore when the thought of one was overwhelming. The technique can now be completed in just one to two hours, and usually during a single visit. There is little to no root canal pain, and our team will do everything we can to ensure your comfort throughout the process.

An anesthetic will be administered to the area before the root canal is started. Once you are numb, a small opening in your tooth’s surface will be made so that we may access the pulp chamber and root canals. Specialized tools are used to remove dying and dead pulp from the passageways before cleaning, disinfecting, and refilling the void with inert, biocompatible material. The process is completed by sealing the opening to prevent future infections.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to repair and save a badly decayed tooth or a tooth that has become infected. It treats the inside of the tooth and is necessary following inflammation or infection. It is important to act rapidly because failure to treat an infected area can lead to abscesses or unnecessary pain and discomfort.

A root canal is among the most common dental procedures available, and the proficiency of our professionals has helped us earn the Seattle Met Top Dentist distinction nine times.

What to Expect Following a Root Canal

There may be discomfort following your root canal, but that can be managed with pain medication and rest. It is also important to treat your mouth with care by avoiding meals that require heavy chewing and using ice or cold compresses to reduce swelling. Once your recovery is complete, you will notice a pain-free renewal of your mouth and tooth. Root canal treatment has a 95% success rate, so you can enjoy peace of mind that your results will last.

Contact Seattle Dental Associates for Your Next Root Canal

Infected or damaged teeth can lead to bone loss in the affected area, drainage problems near your gums, and swelling of your face, neck, and head. Quick action is necessary to minimize any or all of these concerns. We offer an in-house dental membership plan – so your root canal cost may be minimal. If you are experiencing pain or suspect an infection, contact us today for a consultation.

A root canal is a serious dental problem that should be taken care of right away. If you are feeling pain in a tooth, do not wait to make an appointment. Give us a call now at 206-343-8774.

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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