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Invisalign® TEEN™ Dentist in Seattle

We are a Certified Invisalign® TEEN™ Provider

Bummed out about needing braces? Don’t want a metal mouth? Schedule your FREE consultation.

Invisalign® TEEN™ gives you a whole new way to wear braces for a “clearly” amazing smile! Improve your smile without interrupting your life. With removable clear aligners, your teen can continue to enjoy his or her favorite meals AND keep playing the sports he or she loves – no timeouts needed.

I have enough to worry about…now I need braces too?

The team has a game this Friday night, homecoming is in a month, and what about my yearbook pictures?! Don’t stress; with Invisalign® TEEN™ you won’t need to turn down any dates, wear a paper bag over your head, or hide out in your room for two years!

couple smiling

Invisalign® Teen™ Aligners Are a Perfect Fit for Your Lifestyle

  • Clear
  • Removable
  • Super comfortable
  • Less irritating
  • Fewer emergencies (no broken wires or cracked brackets)
  • Customized just for you

Predictable results back by 10 million smiles!

Pizza, Popcorn… No Problem!

You’ve probably heard from friends that with braces you won’t be able to eat anything. With Invisalign® TEEN™ you can eat whatever you want!

Unlike traditional metal braces, your Invisalign® TEEN™ aligners are removable, which means you can go ahead and eat all the things you love without worrying about breaking a bracket or losing a rubber band. Cheers!

Why Invisalign® TEEN™ Over Traditional Braces?

  • Easy to remove for eating and drinking
  • No emergency dentist visits for broken brackets and wires
  • Aligners are virtually invisible
  • Aligners are easily removable so you can keep brushing and flossing as usual
  • Each aligner is designed based on the individual user’s gum line for better comfort and appearance
  • Customized treatment based on years of research and intelligence from millions of patients

It’s Your Life, Keep It That Way!

Invisalign aligners are really comfortable and very durable. They fit in with any of your extracurricular activities. So whether you’re swimming the 50-meter race, out on the field throwing the football, or playing the clarinet with the school’s band, you don’t have to worry about your braces getting in the way!

What Ages Is Invisalign® Teen™ Good For?

Most children who need orthodontic treatment to straighten their teeth start between the ages of 9 and 14 when they have at least some permanent teeth. But the age varies for each child.

See What Other Teens Are Saying

Invisalign is on Facebook and Twitter! Connect with other teens to share your Invisalign experience and find out what other people have to say about their treatment.

Call us today at 206-343-8774 or request an appointment online to schedule your FREE Invisalign®consultation.

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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