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Dental Onlays Dentist in Seattle

Highly Durable, Natural-Looking Dental Onlays

If you’re experiencing tooth decay that calls for more work than a simple dental filling, but you’re hesitant to go with a full crown, a dental onlay might be the right choice for you. A dental onlay offers a middle ground between a filling and a crown. Whereas a crown requires removal of both the decayed area of a tooth and a portion of the healthy material, an onlay only requires removal of the decayed area.

At Seattle Dental Associates, our team of experienced dental professionals will be able to determine if the tooth decay you’re experiencing requires more than a simple filling and whether a dental onlay might be right for you.

lady smiling

Benefits of Dental Onlays

For many years, if you experienced moderate to severe tooth decay and damage, you had few options when it came to restoring the health, function, and appearance of your affected tooth. Onlays are now a great option for single tooth decay as they preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible.

  • Long-lasting treatment
  • Durable
  • Virtually unnoticeable
  • Reduce the possibility of future decay
  • Fits comfortably and securely
  • Preserve tooth structure
  • Custom-fit to your tooth and mouth
  • Stain-resistant material

If you have a greater degree of tooth decay than a traditional filling can support, a dental onlay might be the perfect dental treatment to fix your tooth decay.

What Are Dental Onlays?

Unlike regular dental fillings, dental onlays are pre-molded to the shape of your tooth and bonded to the tooth. They are sometimes called partial crowns because they cover an extensive area of the tooth’s surface and help protect them from further decay. But unlike crowns, dental onlays only require the removal of the decayed area of a tooth. If you have more tooth decay than a simple filling will fix but don’t have significant enough decay to warrant a crown, a dental onlay may be your best option.

How Are Dental Onlays Placed?

The process for placing a dental onlay typically takes one dental visit. At Seattle Dental Associates, our skilled dental professionals will first work with you to determine whether a dental onlay is the right fit for your teeth. We do single appointment onlays with CEREC. Onlays can last up to 30 years if cared for with proper oral hygiene, including flossing, brushing and regular visits to the dentist.

seattle dental associates waiting room

Why Choose Seattle Dental Associates

We aim to provide you with the care and attention you deserve, making the dental experience as comfortable as possible. We tailor our dental care to patients of all ages, providing high-quality dental treatment for your entire family.

Here are a few reasons to choose our team:

  • Experienced dentists who invest in continuing education
  • Highly-rated dental team with a 4.9 Google star rating
  • Convenient downtown location in the Medical Dental building near Amazon
  • Dental Membership Plan Available
  • Seattle Met Top Dentist since 2013
  • Near Westlake Link Lightrail stop and over 30+ bus routes
  • Validated parking at Pacific Place
  • Friendly, relaxing atmosphere for all ages
  • Plush pillows and cozy blankets available during treatment

If you are looking for a kind, trustworthy dentist to take care of your dental onlay needs in Seattle, then look no further. Located just blocks from the downtown Amazon campus, Seattle Dental Associates is here to help you with everything from teeth cleanings to emergency dental services. Call our office today at 206-343-8774 for more information or to schedule an appointment!

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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