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Dental Fillings Dentist in Seattle

Composite Fillings and Amalgam Fillings

If you’re dealing with pain in a tooth or have noticed black on one of your molars, you might be experiencing tooth decay. Tooth decay is damage that occurs as acids eat away at your tooth enamel, creating a cavity. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to significant tooth pain and greater issues in your mouth. Thankfully, however, the treatment is quick and straightforward.

lady smiling

Who Needs Dental Fillings

Repair cavities are the most common reason for dental fillings. Some signs you may have a cavity that requires a filling include:

  • Sharp pain when biting down on a certain tooth
  • Bad breath that does not go away with brushing
  • The appearance of a black or brown spot on the surface of your tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold beverages and foods
  • A constant, dull toothache
lady smiling holding a tablet

Benefits of Fillings

The main benefit of dental fillings is halting the progression of decay by repairing a damaged tooth and restoring its normal function and appearance.

If you suffer from tooth decay, here are a few reasons to invest in dental fillings:

  • Improves the structure of your tooth
  • Stops the cavity from growing
  • Strengthens fractured teeth
  • Match the aesthetics of your natural teeth
  • Protects your teeth from decay
  • Help prevent infection

Dental fillings can last upwards of 15 years which makes them a long-term investment in keeping your mouth, teeth and gums healthy.

Treating Tooth Decay With Dental Fillings

To treat tooth decay and cavities, our skilled dental team at Seattle Dental Associates will clean the area and fill the tooth with amalgam fillings or composite fillings, depending on what’s best for you and your mouth. The process involves numbing a small area of the mouth surrounding the tooth, so you don’t feel the procedure. We will then remove the decay and replace it with a filling, so the hole created by the decay doesn’t lead to further problems. After receiving a filling, you simply need to treat the filled tooth like any other, brushing your teeth and flossing regularly to prevent problems in other teeth.

Composite Fillings

The primary advantage of composite fillings is that they can be colored to match your existing teeth, blending in with your smile and becoming nearly invisible.

Amalgam Fillings

This type of filling has withstood the test of time, being used by dentists for more than 150 years. The downside to amalgam is that it is silver and therefore doesn’t blend in with your teeth, which is a consideration for more visible fillings.

lady smiling in dental chair

Why Choose Seattle Dental Associates for Your Dental Filling Needs

We aim to provide high-quality dental treatment for your entire family, tailoring our care to patients of all ages. In addition to our composite fillings and amalgam filling services, we provide a full spectrum of dental care, from teeth cleanings to emergency dentistry services.

  • Experienced dentists who invest in continuing education
  • Highly-rated dental team with a 4.9 Google star rating
  • Seattle Met Top Dentists since 2013
  • Comfortable and efficient treatments
  • Quality dental care
  • Dental Membership Plan Available
  • 0% interest-free financing options
  • Near Westlake Link Lightrail stop and over 30+ bus routes
  • Validated parking at Pacific Place
  • Plush pillows and blankets provided during treatment

If you are looking for a kind, trustworthy dentist in Seattle, then look no further. Located just blocks from the Amazon campus in downtown Seattle, our dentists and our team of dental professionals always aim to provide you with the care and attention you deserve.

Call our office today at 206-343-8774 for more information or to schedule an appointment!

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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