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General Dentistry Services in Downtown Seattle

Let Our Highly-Rated General Dentists Enhance Your Smile

Residents in the downtown Seattle community rely on the general dentistry services of Seattle Dental Associates to keep their smiles clean and bright. Dr. Theron Baker and our highly skilled dental team recognize the power of a beautiful, healthy smile. Flashing your pearly whites can serve as an encouragement to others, brighten a stranger’s day, and even spread joy. Smiles are contagious, so it is critical that you take care of yours.

Seattle Dental Associates provides comprehensive general dentistry services in downtown Seattle to maintain or restore the health of our patient’s teeth. We provide gentle, effective dental services for children and adults at our warm, inviting office in Seattle. Call us today at 206-343-8774 or request an appointment online to schedule your general dentistry appointment with our experienced team in Seattle.

dog comforting dental patient during procedure

Comfortable, Efficient Dental Treatments

Our office has developed a reputation over the years for providing exceptional dental treatments, regardless of their scope. Our staff is trained to use state-of-the-art technology and the most current dental techniques to deliver outstanding results, whether the procedure is a simple cleaning, a root canal, or anything in between.

lady smiling

Here Are a Few Reasons to Choose Our Team

  • Experienced dentists who invest in continuing education
  • Highly-rated dental team with a 4.9 Google star rating
  • Convenient downtown location in the Medical Dental building near Amazon
  • Dental membership plan
  • Seattle Met Top Dentist since 2013
  • Near Westlake Link Lightrail stop and over 30+ bus routes
  • Validated parking at Pacific Place
  • Friendly, relaxing atmosphere for all ages
  • Plush pillows and cozy blankets available during treatment

In addition to beautifying your smile, we want to make sure you are comfortable during the entire process. We understand that many patients are anxious about dental exams or visits, so we take steps to calm your nerves and make the experience as pleasant as possible.

Our Comprehensive General Dentistry Services

Seattle Dental Associates is downtown Seattle’s premier general dentist and a Seattle Met Top Dentist for over ten years running. Patients in the area know to expect the absolute best dental services whenever they visit our convenient office.

Dental Cleaning & Exams

We provide thorough dental cleaning and exam services in downtown Seattle for patients of all ages. Dental exams promote good oral hygiene and healthy mouths. Each visit will begin with a comprehensive exam to determine the health of your teeth and gums. After assessing your oral and periodontal condition, we will clean your teeth to remove plaque, minimize the risk of tooth decay, and freshen your breath. We have multiple different types of teeth cleanings to ensure we meet your needs. Our highly trained hygienists can perform regular dental cleaning, deep dental cleaning, periodontal maintenance, and full mouth debridement. Most dental insurance plans cover 2 dental cleanings per year.

Dental Hygiene & Periodontal

A dentist’s expertise extends beyond the teeth. Dr. Theron Baker can also address any issues with your gums to ensure your whole mouth is healthy. Gum disease can cause loose teeth, pain, swelling, receding gums, and even a change in your bite, among other undesirable effects. We can perform various treatment techniques or prescribe medication to address infections or issues below your gum line, but call us as soon as you recognize the need for periodontal services. Quick action is critical to restoring your healthy gums.

Root Canals

Severe tooth pain or sensitivity may be a sign of significant damage to your tooth’s roots. To prevent infection, our team can perform a root canal to restore your health and alleviate your discomfort. Failure to address such an issue could lead to worsening pain, swelling, bone loss, and drainage problems. Let our team effectively treat your damaged roots today.

Toothache & Tooth Pain Relief

There are many reasons why you may experience toothaches or tooth pain, but very few will simply dissipate on their own. Toothache causes include cavities, gingivitis, infections, abscesses, and impacted wisdom teeth – just to name a few. The pain may come in waves or persist as a dull, throbbing annoyance. Regardless of the source of your pain, Seattle Dental Associates can treat it in our office or provide home remedies to try, so call us today.

Dental Fillings

Among the most common dental procedures are dental fillings. They can alleviate pain and arrest tooth decay in a simple, straightforward manner. At our office in downtown Seattle, you can choose from amalgam or composite fillings to treat your issue. We will make sure you are comfortable throughout your procedure and improve your oral health in just one visit.

How Often Should I Visit the Dentist?

Our dentists recommend that everyone looking for great oral health should schedule a dental appointment every six months. Frequent visits allow you and your dentist to stay on top of your dental hygiene and take preventative measures to avoid expensive dental operations in the future. At the office of Seattle Dental Associates, we do thorough dental exams that will keep your teeth healthy and clean and your smile bright. We will work with you on how to maintain better oral hygiene and address any issues or concerns you have. If it’s been over six months since your last dental appointment, schedule one now.

How Do I Minimize My Time at the Dentist but Maximize My Oral Health?

To minimize your time at the dentist you want to work with your dental team to understand how you can group parts of your treatment together so that you can spend less time in the dental chair yet maximize the benefits of treatment. Doing this will minimize the trips to and from the office as well as the amount of time you spend in the chair. Ask us how.

Contact Seattle Dental Associates for General Dentistry Today

Oral health is a significant contributing factor to your overall health and vice versa. As a result, you should visit a dentist for teeth cleaning and oral exams at least twice per year. For patients in downtown Seattle, the choice of dentist is clear. Seattle Dental Associates provides exceptional general dentistry services in a comfortable environment for individuals young and old.

To schedule your dental appointment with our friendly general dentist, call 206-343-8774 today!

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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Make an Appointment With Seattle Dental Associates