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We Provide Complete Dental Care for Your Family

Dental Membership Plans Available for Families Without Dental Insurance

We know that going to see the dentist is often a frightening experience. Here at Seattle Dental Associates, we want to change the way people perceive going to the dentist.

While children are most often the ones afraid of going to the dentist, our compassionate staff goes above and beyond to help children feel at ease while visiting our office. Our dentists have spent years providing high-quality dental services to Seattle residents and can do the same for you and your family.

family smiling

Our Seattle Family Dentists Provide Dental Services for the Following

  • Infants
  • Toddlers
  • Children
  • Teens
  • Adults
  • Elderly

Trust Our Highly-Rated Dental Team With Your Family

Introducing your child to a sensitive, professional dentist early on in life can help them establish a healthy relationship with their oral health. Brushing, flossing, and other routine activities that children can often avoid may become less daunting by working with our experienced dentists!

Here are a few reasons to choose our team:

  • Experienced dentists who invest in continuing education
  • Highly-rated dental team with a 4.9 Google star rating
  • Convenient downtown location in the Medical Dental building near Amazon
  • Dental membership plan
  • Seattle Met Top Dentist since 2013
  • Near Westlake Link Lightrail stop and over 30+ bus routes
  • Validated parking at Pacific Place
  • Friendly, relaxing atmosphere for all ages

In addition to beautifying your smile, we want to make sure you are comfortable during the entire process. We understand that many patients are anxious about dental exams or visits, so we take steps to calm your nerves and make the experience as pleasant as possible.

To help reduce some of the stress and anxiety associated with visiting the dentist, we always provide pillows and blankets for our patients. To work with our compassionate team of dental professionals, please contact our office today by calling 206-343-8774!

Caring for Our Patients

No patient should leave the dentist unhappy, regardless of their age. Our dentists uses technologically advanced dental care to ensure that you and your family are getting the most state-of-the-art treatment possible. When working with small children, it is vital that you have a dentist that is sensitive to your child’s feelings. At Seattle Dental Associates, we always take our time to discuss all our dental services with our patients. We can also provide brushing and flossing tips for children!

Some of our family dentistry services include:

  • X-Rays
  • Dental Teeth Cleanings
  • Root Canals
  • Treatment for Cavities
  • Complimentary Consultations for Invisalign
  • Same-Day Dental Crowns
  • Toothache Treatment
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Sleep Apnea Treatment
  • Botox for TMJ

When to Schedule Your Child’s First Appointment

Our goal is to provide consistent, quality dentistry for children in Downtown Seattle, WA. Establishing good dental practices at a young age can help reduce the risk of cavities among children. Preventative dentistry for kids is not only the best way to reduce cavities, but it also lays the foundation for a lifetime of proper oral health habits. If your baby’s first teeth have erupted, it’s time to find a compassionate kid’s dentist – and you don’t have to look any further than Seattle Dental Associates.

How to Prepare Your Child for a First-Time Visit

You can relax when it comes to your child’s first-time visit to Seattle Dental Associates in Downtown Seattle, WA. We want our patients to feel a sense of relief and ease when they visit our state-of-the-art dental facility for their first appointment. Children are adept at sensing anxiety, so it’s important to avoid using words such as hurt, shot, drill, or needle in association with a dentist appointment. The last thing you want is your child to fear a dental checkup that is to their best benefit. It’s best to assure your child that the cleaning will be fun and gentle, and they’ll have a beautiful smile by the end of it.

What to Expect From Our Family Dentists

Our pediatric dentistry services include dental cleanings, checkups, exams, fluoride treatments, and emergency dental care. Your children’s dentist will be sure to watch for crooked teeth, overcrowding, and potential airway issues and address these issues before further problems arise.

We’ll also go over your child’s hygiene habits to ensure they’re where they need to be. Proper self-care and routine oral hygiene appointments will help children maintain healthy teeth and gums. We provide premier dental care to patients of all ages, as well as specialized children’s dental care. This means you can bring the entire family to our dental office for the care they need.

If you are looking for a kind, trustworthy family dentist, look no further than Seattle Dental Associates. Our team of highly-trained dental professionals provides your family with the care and attention it deserves. We are located just blocks from Amazon, and we always validate parking for our patients.

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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Make an Appointment With Seattle Dental Associates