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Prompt Chipped Crown and Lost Filling Repair in Seattle

Expert Emergency Dental Treatments From a Highly-Rated Dental Team

The office of Seattle Dental Associates is an emergency dentist in the downtown Seattle area and we are committed to protecting and preserving your smile. Come to us for any and all dental emergencies. Our team uses state-of-the-art equipment to treat lost fillings, damaged crowns, and more. Contact us for quality treatment that prioritizes your comfort.

If your filling falls out or you break a crowned tooth, you may not know what to do. Don’t hesitate to give our office a call any time of the day or night. We provide our patients with fast, attentive service to treat your emergency as soon as possible. For prompt chipped crown and filling repair, turn to the office of Seattle Dental Associates.

Call our experienced dental team at 206-343-8774 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online. Our office is conveniently located in downtown Seattle near Amazon in the Medical Dental Building.

seattle dental associates exam room

Lost Fillings Treatment

Fillings are placed to protect your tooth after decay has been removed. When a filling breaks or falls out completely, it is considered a dental emergency. A missing filling exposes the interior structure of the tooth and increases the risk of tooth damage. In addition, you may have infection or decay underneath or on the sides of the filling that can cause further problems.

A lost filling may or may not cause pain. If you are experiencing any pain, contact our office and we’ll prioritize your appointment. If a filling falls out you probably won’t require a late-night visit, but don’t wait too long to come in and see our team. Left untreated, an exposed tooth can cause further problems if the filling is not replaced.

lady smiling

Dental Crown Problems

While the vast number of dental crowns remain in place and protect your tooth for many years, occasionally one might fall off or break. If you lose a crown, the structural integrity and inner nerves of your tooth will be exposed. Don’t wait to get treatment and risk damaging your tooth further. Contact the office of Seattle Dental Associates as soon as it happens, and we’ll get you in for a visit.

Depending on how the crown is chipped, you may or not immediately experience pain. A broken crown is just as bad as a lost crown because your weakened tooth is no longer protected and sealed. Without a crown, your tooth is vulnerable to both infection and decay, which is why we recommend coming in as soon as possible for treatment.

Chipped Crown & Lost Fillings Emergency Dental Care

We’re here for you when you need us, so don’t hesitate to call. It’s important to treat your tooth sooner rather than later to avoid more serious issues in the future. For a tooth-related emergency, call the office of Seattle Dental Associates at any time for caring, professional dental care in Seattle!

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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