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Broken Tooth Dentist in Downtown Seattle

Reliable Broken or Chipped Tooth Care

If you’ve chipped or broken a tooth, contact the office of Seattle Dental Associates, a trusted emergency dentist in downtown Seattle. We’ll treat the damaged area quickly and efficiently to alleviate pain and restore form and function to your tooth.

Whether you broke your tooth in an impact while playing sports or chipped the enamel while eating something hard, our dental office is ready and equipped to provide prompt treatment.

Call our experienced dental team at 206-343-8774 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online. Our office is conveniently located in downtown Seattle near Amazon in the Medical Dental Building.

man smiling

Prompt Care for Damaged Teeth

It’s always wise to come in for a checkup if you’ve chipped your tooth or experienced an impact to your mouth. Even if you can’t see any damage or feel any pain, a dentist should still assess the condition of your teeth, as the damage can worsen over time if left untreated. The quicker you address a broken tooth, the better. Tooth enamel is very strong, but once it’s chipped or cracked, the tooth’s structure and sensitive interior can be compromised.

Our trained dental staff can spot small cracks and chips with our specialty equipment. Once we identify the extent of the damage, we’ll treat your tooth so you can smile and eat with confidence.

lady smiling

Chipped or Broken Tooth Treatment

If you have a broken tooth, do your best to prevent chipping it further before you visit our office. If you aren’t coming in immediately, eat only soft foods and avoid chewing on the area around the broken tooth. While not every chip is a serious emergency, visiting our office as soon as possible is encouraged. Our dental professionals will evaluate your tooth and decide on the best course of treatment.

Depending on the chip or break, we may recommend a simple filling or bonding treatment or a veneer if the chip is visible. For teeth that are badly damaged, we may need to place a crown over the tooth in order to preserve the overall structure. Each treatment depends on the individual, so we’ll talk you through the details once we take a look.

Reliable, Compassionate, and Knowledgeable Dentistry

The staff at the office of Seattle Dental Associates will make sure you are informed throughout the process, from the moment you come into our office to the time your treatment is completely finished.

Our experienced emergency dentists and skilled dental staff know exactly how to provide treatment for any tooth-related emergency. You can relax knowing you’re in good hands!

We’re committed to restoring and protecting the integrity, function, and appearance of your smile. We always prioritize your comfort and satisfaction. Contact us any time of the day or night for your dental emergency in Seattle.

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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Make an Appointment With Seattle Dental Associates