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ZOOM!® Teeth Whitening in Downtown Seattle

Unleash a Whiter, Healthy Smile Today!

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you and you deserve a bright, confident smile. Teeth whitening with Philips Zoom! is safe, simple, and one of the fastest ways to improve the beauty of your smile. Plus, Philips Zoom is championed by dentists and patients as a pain-free, easy process. 99%3 of patients surveyed experienced little to no sensitivity during the Philips Zoom WhiteSpeed treatment.

lady smiling

ZOOM! WhiteSpeed Whitening System

The ZOOM! Chairside Gel greatly accelerates and enhances the whitening process, and delivers the dramatic results you will love.

The gel works to gently to break up the stains on your teeth while leaving the structure of your teeth unchanged. After just three 15-minute applications in one hour, you rinse and the treatment is complete, leaving you with a brighter, whiter smile.

Get superior results for the toughest teeth stains.

*please note that our in-office whitening does not include the light activation

Why Get ZOOM! Teeth Whitening?

While there are a lot of options when it comes to teeth whitening, here are a few reasons to choose ZOOM!

  • it’s safe
  • it’s effective
  • it’s fast
  • it’s the quickest, safest way to a truly dazzling smile

How Does ZOOM! Whiten Your Teeth?

This in-office teeth whitening system uses hydrogen peroxide gel to whiten teeth in a single treatment.

First, we place a protective cover over your lips and gums leaving only your teeth exposed. Next, we apply the teeth whitening gel to your teeth – it remains on your teeth for approximately 15 minutes. The ZOOM! whitening gel removes stains from your teeth. Additional gel is applied every 15 minutes. The entire process takes 2 hours.

Is Philips ZOOM! Right for You?

Do you want an instantly whiter smile? Then ZOOM! teeth whitening is most likely the right choice for you.

Almost anyone can benefit from teeth whitening, though the treatment may not be as effective for some as it is for others. ZOOM! achieves the greatest success in treating yellow staining from aging, tobacco, dark cola, tea, coffee, or red wine.

If your teeth have gray shading from tetracycline or other chemicals, you may still see improved results, though they may be less dramatic. Your dentist will be able to determine the ideal level of whitening for your individual smile during your personalized shade assessment.

Is ZOOM! Teeth Whitening Safe?

Yes, extensive research and clinical studies indicate that whitening teeth under the supervision of a dentist is safe. In fact, many dentists consider teeth whitening the safest cosmetic dental procedure available. As with any teeth whitening product, ZOOM! Teeth Whitening is not recommended for children under 13 years of age and pregnant or lactating women.

What Causes Yellow or Stained Teeth?

Below are some of the most common factors that will stain your teeth:


Honestly, there are few things that will yellow your teeth more effectively than smoking tobacco. And these are not the type of stains that are easily brushed away either.

Certain Foods

There are many foods that have a tendency to stain our teeth such as spaghetti sauce, curry spices, and even certain berries that contain pigments that cling to tooth enamel and stain it.

Some Antibiotics

Certain antibiotics like tetracycline can stain teeth yellow. According to the National Institute of Health, if you were given antibiotics before you turned eight, or if you’re mother took them in the second half of her pregnancy, your teeth could be permanently stained as an adult.

Certain Beverages

Tea and coffee are known beverages to stain teeth yellow but other beverages that will stain your teeth include red or white wine, dark-colored sodas, and most sports drinks.

Thinning Enamel

When enamel thins the yellowy-brown-colored dentin underneath is exposed and your teeth start to turn yellow. Anything that thins the enamel protecting your teeth will contribute to this yellowing – including grinding your teeth.

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Teeth Whitening Considerations

Some people may experience sensitivity during treatment. If you have sensitive teeth, make sure to discuss this with one of our dentists prior to starting treatment. We can recommend an anti-sensitivity toothpaste to use prior to treatment to help lessen sensitivity.

The whitening gel for ZOOM! teeth whitening is very strong so we advise patients that they have any restorative dental treatments done prior to getting their teeth whitened. This helps with handling the sensitivity of the whitening treatment.

A Beautiful, Sparkling Smile Can Give You a Whole New Outlook on Life

Contact us today at 206-343-8774 to schedule an appointment for Philips ZOOM! whitening at our downtown Seattle dental office! Or request an appointment online!

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