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Bioclear Dental Veneers Dentist in Downtown Seattle

Restore Your Smile With Dental Veneers

Would you like to restore the beauty of your smile and cover up discolored or damaged teeth? Seattle Dental Associates has a solution for you in the form of natural-looking, easy-to-care-for dental veneers. Our dental office located in downtown Seattle uses state-of-the-art technology to create and apply veneers that make your teeth look white, bright, and healthy. With us, the process is easy and convenient. Let us serve you with expertise and gentle care.

man smiling

BioClear Dental Veneers

We are happy to offer the BioClear matrix system for dental veneers which offers our patients great cosmetic results. The Bioclear matrix system is the newest and best method in direct composite restorations to restrengthen front teeth without removing your tooth structure.

BioClear veneers are molded around your teeth using very thin sheets of clear mylar. We create a mold for the veneer around your natural tooth then we inject the heated composite into the mold. After the composite is cooled and cured, we can polish and reshape it.

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Benefits of BioClear Veneers

BioClear veneers are better than traditional bonding in several ways:

  • Greater stain resistance than traditional bonding
  • Higher-strength than traditional bonding
  • Better ability to fill in black triangles at the gum line
  • Creates attractive, uniformly colored teeth

Plus, they have several benefits over ceramic veneers that make them an appealing choice which include:

  • Lower cost
  • One-visit convenience
  • Easy repair if damaged
  • Preservation of natural tooth material
  • Gentler on gums
  • Creates attractive, uniformly colored teeth

What Is the BioClear Method?

This unique, conservative technique allows us to achieve a wide range of goals. One of BioClear’s primary uses is to fill in “black triangles,” which are the small spaces that appear in our teeth when gum tissue has receded or wasn’t there in the first place. As we get older, some people find these black triangles appearing in our teeth, or they may arise from braces/orthodontics or after gum surgery.

However, the Bioclear Method isn’t limited to small gaps, as we also use it to reduce larger gaps and even rebuild a full smile. The results? A long-lasting finish that’s achieved with an affordable, accurate procedure. To get these show-stopping results, the Bioclear Method involves wrapping a dental composite around the tooth using a special plastic matrix. This helps achieve a tooth that doesn’t just look beautiful but is functional, too.

How Long Will BioClear Veneers Last?

Bioclear veneers wear at the same rate as your natural tooth enamel so they are an extremely long-lasting solution.

Because of these significant benefits, BioClear is rapidly increasing in popularity. The best way to know if these are right for you is to have us evaluate your teeth. We find this technique is great for us because it lets us give you great results efficiently. And patients who have had it done love the results, the speed, and, honestly, the cost!

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Why Choose Seattle Dental Associates for Your Dental Veneers?

  • Experienced dentists who invest in continuing education
  • Highly-rated dental team with a 4.9 Google star rating
  • Convenient downtown location in the Medical Dental building near Amazon
  • Dental Membership Plan Available
  • Seattle Met Top Dentist since 2013
  • Near Westlake Link Lightrail stop and over 30+ bus routes
  • Validated parking at Pacific Place
  • Friendly, relaxing atmosphere for all ages

Dental Veneers FAQs

What Are Veneers?

Dental veneers are custom-made, wafer-thin porcelain or resin composite shells that cover the surface of one or multiple teeth. Once applied, the veneers conceal:

  • Cracked, chipped, and broken teeth
  • Discolored teeth or fillings
  • Worn or uneven teeth
  • Irregularly shaped or spaced teeth

If you have adequate enamel and do not have gum disease or weak teeth, you may be eligible for this procedure. When you come to our practice for a consultation, our dentists will work with you to find the ideal veneers for your situation.

What Are the Advantages of Veneers?

Dental veneers change the look, color, and shape of your teeth for a more attractive smile. If you want significant improvement without the extensive shaping required for a crown, veneers may be the right route for you. Veneers also effectively cover more issues than applying bonding resin because the shell covers the surface of your tooth. If you take care of them, veneers are long-lasting and won’t need to be replaced for up to 15 years. Plus, they are also stain-resistant and tolerated well by your gum tissue. And finally, because they look like your natural teeth, they blend seamlessly into your life. After our expert dentist applies your veneers, no one will know unless you tell them!

What Is the Process of Getting Veneers?

Veneers usually take three appointments to apply:

  • First Appointment: After you describe what issues you’d like to address, our dentist will closely examine your mouth and may take X-rays and impressions of your teeth to discern if veneers will work for you. Before we proceed, we answer all your questions and make sure you know what to expect.
  • Second Appointment: To ensure precise application, the dentist will remove ½ millimeter of enamel and send impressions of your teeth to a lab for veneer fabrication. If need be, we can place temporary veneers during this step.
  • Third Appointment: We’ll make sure the veneer is the correct shape, size, and color before prepping and placing it with specialized adhesive. We’ll also ensure everything is feeling comfortable and you’re pleased with the final result.

After that, you’re free to enjoy a new, restored smile! We may schedule a follow-up appointment at our Seattle, WA, dental office in a few weeks to make sure everything is feeling and looking great. Your comfort and health are our priority.

How Do I Take Care of My Veneers?

Take care of your veneers like you would your normal teeth, with regular brushing, flossing, and cleaning. Because teeth with veneers can still experience decay, it’s important to maintain your oral health. Avoid biting on hard foods or objects like ice to prevent any chipping. If you have any questions about your veneers, Seattle Dental Associates will take care of you and provide the information you need.

Your Partner for a Beautiful Smile

The dental office of Seattle Dental Associates has been the Seattle Met top dentist since 2013. Why? Because we’re committed to excellence in every service we perform, whether you’re visiting us for a filling, a regular cleaning, or emergency dental work.

We provide gentle dentistry in Seattle, WA, that puts everyone at ease from start to finish. With us, a healthy, brilliant smile is a possibility. Come visit us and experience for yourself the difference a leading-edge office and our caring, knowledgeable dental professionals make. For your convenience, we offer an in-house dental membership plan to make treatments more affordable.

Contact our friendly staff at 206-343-8774 to schedule an appointment today!

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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