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Dental Services in Downtown Seattle, WA

Comfortable, Highly-Rated, & Professional Dental Care

At Seattle Dental Associates, we know that going to the dentist is usually one of the last things you want to do, yet when you visit our downtown Seattle-based dentist office, we aim to make your visit as calm and comfortable as possible. By combining our technologically advanced dental care with our relaxing atmosphere, you can rest assured that you will be well taken care of.

Dr. Baker are Seattle Met Top Dentist and in-network with popular dental insurance plans. You can trust our experienced dental team with any of your dental needs from general to cosmetic to emergency dentistry, we’re here for you. Call our experienced dental team at 206-343-8774 to schedule an appointment or request an appointment online. Our office is conveniently located in downtown Seattle near Amazon in the Medical Dental Building.

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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Make an Appointment With Seattle Dental Associates