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New to Seattle? Find a Dentist Today

Seattle Dental Associates | Trusted Downtown Seattle Dentist

For most people, choosing a new dentist is an important decision that takes considerable research and often depends on reliable recommendations. For many people, choosing a new dentist comes down to simply polling friends and neighbors for a recommendation or even reading online dental practice reviews. When deciding on a dentist, you want to establish basic criteria and plan for finding the right office and specialist to meet your needs.

And while there are many dental offices in downtown Seattle, choosing the wrong one can cause you to pay more for a lower quality service or waste time and money at a dental office that is not the right fit for you.

Our team at Seattle Dental Associates has formulated a guide with information and tips to help you find the right dentist for you. Contact our Downtown Seattle dentist at 206-343-8774 today!

lady smiling

Dentist Meet and Greet

To help ensure you find the dentist that is the best fit for you and/or your family, don’t be shy about calling or visiting the dentists on your list before making a final decision.

Schedule consultation time with the dentist to meet with the dentist and dental team before making an appointment. Before your consultation, create a list of questions you have for them. Make sure to bring this list of questions and your dental records to the consultation.

A few questions you may want to ask:

  • What type of financial options do they offer for treatment costs?
  • Will your medical and dental history be recorded and placed in a permanent file?
  • How does the dental office handle after-hour emergencies?
  • Will the dentist explain ways to help you prevent dental health problems? Is dental health instruction provided?

What You Should Look for When Choosing a Dentist in Seattle

When starting out your search for a new dentist, it is important to prioritize your primary needs as far as dental care is concerned.

Some things you should ask when finding a new dentist:

  • Do they offer the treatments you need
  • Is the office conveniently located near your home or work
  • Does the office have convenient parking or is the office located near public transportation
  • Do they offer hours and appointment times that are convenient to your schedule
  • Do they make dental treatment affordable
  • How soon can they fit you in for a new patient appointment
  • Do they have positive reviews from their current patients
  • Do they offer payment methods for non-insured patients
  • Do they offer financing options
  • Are treatment plans discussed upfront and cost estimates given

From core features to certain areas of specialization, you should find a dentist who performs the treatments you need. Where a dental office is located is also very important to consider, regardless of your schedule or commute. Finding time to fit in necessary appointments is especially significant if you are a busy professional or parent.

A Few Reasons to Choose Seattle Dental Associates as Your New Seattle Dentist

The office of Seattle Dental Associates is conveniently located just blocks away from the downtown Seattle Amazon office. Our location is perfect for any Amazon employee, or other nearby professionals who want the luxury of being able to walk to and from their dentist appointments without having to rearrange their busy schedules.

  • In-house Dental Membership Plan to make your dental treatments affordable
  • Our experienced team is committed to providing high-quality dental care
  • Highly-rated downtown Seattle dental team with a 4.9 Google star rating
  • We offer cash discounts for services over $500
  • We offer 0% interest 3rd party financing options
  • Convenient downtown location in the Medical Dental building
  • Near Westlake Link Lightrail stop and over 30+ bus routes
  • Validated parking at Pacific Place
  • Friendly, relaxing atmosphere for patients of all ages

Our dentists have been trusted Seattle dentists for over 13 years and is consistently ranked a Seattle Met Top Dentist. Let our team show you why patients have trusted us for over 13 years. Give our office a call at 206-343-8774 to speak with one of our team members.

Preparing for Your First Visit

Once you find a dentist you believe will be a good fit, you need to make sure you are prepared for your initial visit. When you are transitioning to a new dentist, having the necessary forms and information from your present dental office is important.

At the office of Seattle Dental Associates, we’ll walk you through enrollment and make sure you are completely transitioned over to our office for all future treatments. During your first appointment, you can expect a review of your dental and medical history forms, x-rays of your teeth and mouth, gum and teeth inspection routine cleaning, and consultation with Theron Baker DDS, our resident dentists.

Following your first visit, we will use all your information to create a treatment plan customized to meet your needs. We are always available to answer any questions you may have. For more information on your initial visit, head over to our New Patients page.

Call us today at 206-343-8774 to schedule an appointment! Our office is conveniently located in downtown Seattle near Amazon in the Medical Dental Building.

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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Make an Appointment With Seattle Dental Associates