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Seattle Dental Associates Payment Plans

Payment is always due at the time of service, and we offer several convenient options to best fit your needs.


We accept most dental insurance plans and our front office team are experts in helping you get the best value from your benefits. We will file claims on your behalf and your insurance provider will reimburse you directly (usually within 2-3 weeks) for the portion of your care that they cover. In order to provide the best quality in dental care, we are a non-restricted out-of-network office. To learn more about the advantages of going to an out-of-network dentist, click here. If you have questions about what your insurance will cover or would like a pre-determination estimate, please reach out to us at 206-343-8774. We are always happy to answer your questions!

Cash Discount

We offer a 5% discount for payments of $1000 or more made by cash or check at the time of service.

0% Financing

We work with Cherry to offer a great payment plan option. They don’t pull credit, provide instant approval, and offer 0% interest. This option can be especially helpful for bigger treatment plans if you’d like to break the payments up over several months.

In-House Membership Plan

Our dental membership plan is a great option for small business owners, retirees, and anyone else who doesn’t have dental insurance through work. The plan includes your regular preventative care and a discount on restorative treatment. Click here to learn more.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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