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Seattle Dental Associates In-House Dental Membership Plan

No Insurance, No Worries – Think “Amazon Prime” Designed for Your Teeth!

Insurance companies can be expensive, confusing, and frustrating. Plus, they frequently deny your benefits, delay your coverage, or complicate your treatment.

In recent years, dental insurance has grown more difficult to manage due to a shrinking corporate workforce, reduced reimbursements for dental professionals, increased charges to patients, and fewer covered procedures. Studies reveal that while doctors receive inadequate compensation, patients bear higher costs. To combat these challenges, our membership program aims to streamline your experience with our practice, ensuring you receive the preventative dental care you need with ease.

Because of these problems, more people can’t afford dental insurance and end up without it. This means many can’t pay for dental care and suffer without getting help. To solve this, Seattle Dental Associates is offering individual dental plans through memberships. It’s like joining a club like Costco to get discounts. These dental membership plans give you benefits that make dental care easier to afford.

dental membership plan outline

What Is a Dental Membership Plan?

About 100 million Americans don’t go every year, according to the American Dental Association. The main reason people skip the dentist – cost.

Dental membership plans make it easier for you to afford the dental treatments you need.

Traditional dental insurance can be complicated, hard to use, and often doesn’t pay much. Because of this, both doctors and patients have looked for other options to avoid dealing with insurance companies while still getting good coverage. To help make dental visits and treatments more affordable for people without insurance, many dental offices have started their own private dental membership plans.

A dental membership plan isn’t the same as health insurance. It’s more like a dental savings plan. When you join, you pay an annual fee, usually in monthly installments. This membership gives you access to special benefits and savings that are only available to members.

Benefits of Joining Our Dental Membership Plan

Everyone should have access to affordable dental care. Some procedures, especially those involving surgeries or sedation, can be expensive. Dental plans offer many advantages. Instead of paying for each appointment separately, a plan helps spread out the costs, saving you money in the long run.

Overall, dental membership plans provide a simpler, more flexible, and often more cost-effective alternative to traditional dental insurance, making dental care more accessible and manageable for many patients.

Cost Savings

Spread out the costs of dental care, making treatments more affordable over time.

No Waiting Periods

Dental membership plans typically start providing benefits immediately after signing up, so there’s no delay in receiving the treatment you need​.

Comprehensive Coverage

Includes preventive care such as cleanings, exams, and X-rays. Cover a broader range of services, including preventive, restorative, and sometimes even cosmetic procedures, which are rarely covered by traditional dental insurance.

Professional Advice

Access to expert guidance for current and future dental needs.

Discounts on Procedures

Reduced rates for treatments not typically covered by insurance, like cosmetic dentistry.

No Insurance Hassles

Avoid the complications and delays associated with traditional dental insurance.

Priority Scheduling

Enjoy faster and more flexible appointment scheduling as a member.

No Annual Limits

Unlike traditional insurance plans that often have an annual maximum coverage limit, dental membership plans typically do not have such caps, ensuring continuous savings throughout the year​.

Enhanced Oral Health

By including regular cleanings, exams, and x-rays in the subscription, dental membership plans encourage more consistent dental hygiene practices, leading to better overall oral health​.

No Paperwork or Reimbursement Claims

When you join a membership dental plan, you don’t have to wait for insurance claims to be processed or deal with complicated paperwork. There’s no confusion about what is covered or not like with regular dental insurance.

Easy to Enroll

Enrolling in the plan is quick and easy. You can sign up in the office or if you can click here to sign up online.

Ability to Choose Your Dentist

You are no longer confined to only selecting a dentist who is in-network with your dental insurance which enables you to choose the best dentist for your needs.

Freedom From Dental “Benefits"

Freedom from the restrictions and limitations on your dental care imposed by your dental “benefit” plan. Get the treatment you need – not the treatment your insurance allows.

lady smiling

How Does the Plan Work?

As a patient, you can buy a dental membership plan that covers certain treatments at discounted rates and choose to pay monthly or annually. For example, you might pay a yearly fee to get discounts on two cleanings, one exam, and an x-ray. If you choose a plan with more treatments, the fee will be higher. This way, both you and our dental team can avoid the hassle of insurance companies. You only pay for the dental treatments you need, and you know the costs upfront, making it easier to handle payments. Dental membership plans are the best alternative to dental insurance.

Not only do you no longer have to deal with the hassle of dental insurance, with our dental membership plan your benefits are activated immediately after signing up and you know all the prices for dental procedures upfront.

Can I Pay for My Plan or Dental Treatments Using My HSA or FSA Account?

Yes, dental memberships are a valid charge.

Are There Deductibles or Yearly Maximums?

No. Your benefits start immediately and you receive unlimited treatments and savings.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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