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Trusted Downtown Seattle Dentist for 13 Years

For over 13 years, Seattle Dental Associates’ experienced and exceptional team have been providing quality dental care to patients in downtown Seattle. Our team offers the highest quality professional care in a modern and comfortable setting. Our practice offers an advanced approach to dentistry, providing a relaxing experience and thorough treatments, resulting in beautiful smiles that last a lifetime.

Our dentists utilize technologically advanced patient services such as online patient access to dental records and text messages or email appointment reminders. Our convenient downtown location has validated parking for patients and appointment hours that fit your schedule. We also offer complimentary Invisalign consultations for our patients, and we take the time to discuss your needs and expectations.

It’s never been easier to get to your dental appointment! We’re located in the Medical Dental Building and close to many downtown attractions. Plus, we offer validated parking at Pacific Place, are located on the same block as the Westlake stop on the link light rail, and there are 30+ bus routes that stop right in front of our building.

Seattle Dental Associates team photo

A Few Reasons Patients Love Our Dental Practice

  • We offer an in-house Dental Membership Plan to make your dental treatments affordable
  • Same-day appointments and treatment (whenever possible during normal practice hours)
  • Convenient hours
  • Validated parking at Pacific Place
  • Highly rated experienced emergency dentists
  • Close to public transportation in downtown Seattle by Amazon and Nordstrom
  • HSA and FSA accepted
  • CareCredit financing accepted

Meet Our Expert Dentist

Nine Reasons to Choose an Out-of-Network Dentist

Our In-House Dental Membership Plan is designed to give you top-tier dental services at affordable rates. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to personalized care that puts your needs first. Want to know how our plan can benefit you?

What Our Patients Are Saying

Read what our clients have said about what left them smiling whenever they leave our office!

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Make an Appointment With Seattle Dental Associates